Rathmines Breakfast Outing
1911 F.N Three x 1914 4CBX Talbots
Our outlook across the lake
The first Newcastle Branch outing for 2019 wasn't really an overwhelming success if based on the numbers attending. Those who did attend enjoyed a pleasant couple of hours by the edge of the lake at Rathmines where an onshore breeze kept the temperature to a quite comfortable temperature.
Likewise travelling there and back in the veteran was quite pleasant, although it was one of those mornings where it was definitely made more enjoyable with the hood up to provide some shade.
We only had four veterans take part, being three Talbots and one F.N. The only contribution from the U.S being discussion about the ongoing restoration of Catherine's 1914 Grant, which seems to be progressing quite well, despite a few little challenges along the way. From an update they gave us at the Branch Meeting last night we should see it on the road a bit later in the year.
One lady who was wandering by was quite intrigued to learn that F.N along with other marques was variously involved in the production of not only cars, but also armaments, motorcycles, bicycles and other products.
Let's hope we get a bit better attendance at out next outing to Cooranbong.