I have had a lot of help getting information about Vic Jacobs, Henrietta and the Fronty Ford. My thanks to Peter Kable, Bob Hobson, Phillip Hobson, Greg Roberts and Robert Fordham. In the end I could just about have filled the entire February issue with this subject! Over the next few days I will try to post a lot of the material I collected. To start with here is an article from the May 1974 issue of Walkabout Magazine.

An article from 1961 about Henrietta published in the Sun newspaper
A report from Berri
A newspaper report from Mildura
A cutting from the Kalgoorlie Miner
From the Riverine Grazier
A cutting from an Adelaide newspaper
Talk about a wonderful, colourful character. I think I will have to do a follow up in "Spit and Polish"!
Vic loved driving his cars and did big mileages in both Henrietta and the Fronty Ford (aka The Yellow Terror) and wasn't at all backward in telling everyone in typical Vic Jacobs' style as can be seen from this letter to "Spit and Polish"
As I mentioned in the article in Spit and Polish Vic used to organise charity events such as the one reported here:
And now for the final installment
The next installment was written almost in sight of Perth.
The next article was written a couple of days into the trip.
Vic was quite a character as you can tell from the following pieces he wrote for "Spit and Polish". This first one was written prior to starting out on that great journey:
The editor of the day joined in the "banter".