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Sydney North Breakfast Outing

On what was a great day for veteran motoring, seven cars and quite a lot of members attended the latest Breakfast Outing which was held at McKell Park, Brooklyn. With great views over the Hawkesbury River it was a nice spot to enjoy a latish breakfast.

We shared the spot with a few other people, four Alectura lathami, better known as Brush Turkeys and as some of the ladies found out, a rather colourful spider that lived in the 'Ladies'.

By the time the last of our group left around 12.45pm the spot was becoming very popular with the lunch time crowd.

There were a few comments amongst the members present about the poor representation by the American Marques with the Willys being the sole representative. A bit different to the September event where Willys & Overland dominated. Hopefully we can all make it to the next one, and get the number of cars into double figures.

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Veteran Car Club of Australia (NSW) Inc. 


134 Queens Road,

Canada Bay 2046

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Joint Patrons:

Her Excellency The Honourable Margaret Beazley AC KC 

Governor of New South Wales 

and Mr. Dennis Wilson

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