1914 Abingdon King Dick Motorcycle
Engine Type
500cc engine, air cooled and side valve. Runs on a slide valve B & B carburetor.
Details of fuel & ignition system
Ignition is a Bosch ZE1 magneto.
Transmission is vee belt and can be varied by adjusting the pulley on the motor.
How did you acquire the vehicle?
First saw AKD at Newcastle Swap Meeting in 1988. I put a deposit on it and picked the bike up from Quirindi, opposite Burning Mountain, on the way back from our trip to Expo88.
Brief known history of the vehicle
The AKD was used by a Mortician to do his rounds and then partially restored until I bought it.
What do you like & dislike about your motorcycle?
It is a good reliable machine, pulls well on open road, handles OK and comfortable to ride but struggles on steep hills without adjusting drive belt pulley.
Fun facts or any other details you’d like to include?
On Tasmanian Veteran Bike Rally, 2 years ago, we went up a steep hill, in Burnie, bike stalled, I attempted to jump off and bike lay on top of me. All I could think of, at the time, was don't scratch petrol tank. Luckily all good in the end.