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1911 Talbot 4M

Engine Type

4 cylinders – 2 mono blocks, side valve. 19 litre cooling capacity with water pump

Details of fuel & ignition system

Fuel was originally gravity fed from a fuel tank under the front seat. Now fitted with an electric pump as original had too many taps and filters. Bosch DU4 magneto


Four forward and reverse ‘crash’ change. Right hand gear lever on outside of body

How did you acquire the vehicle?

Purchased from deceased estate of early Club Member, Mr Jack Dance in 1987.

Brief known history of the vehicle

Unknown to me. There may be some reports in early Club magazines. Jack was a former tyre dealer but stories abound about Jack’s constant flat tyres. I replaced all the tubes and some of the tyres after the purchase. One tube I removed had 15 patches.

What do you like & dislike about your car?

I don’t like that it overheats easily due to very thin cylinder wall thickness. It’s much better in the winter as it was designed for the Northern Hemisphere, not the Antipodes.

Fun facts or any other details you’d like to include?

It’s good to drive in the winter. Good for the driver. Passenger? It is at least 10 – 15 degrees cooler in the back seat (or so I have been told). It’s a good idea to dress warmly with a jacket, scarf, hat & gloves and sometimes with a blanket over the knees.

Veteran Car Club of Australia (NSW) Inc. 


134 Queens Road,

Canada Bay 2046

Contact Us

Joint Patrons:

Her Excellency The Honourable Margaret Beazley AC KC 

Governor of New South Wales 

and Mr. Dennis Wilson

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