Graeme Newman
May 21, 2018
Newcastle Branch 2018 100th Birthday Outing
Held on National Heritage Motoring Day our 100th Birthday Run celebrates those veterans that have turned or will turn 100 during the...

Graeme Newman
Feb 4, 2018
CARnivale 2018
CARnivale is a display of historic vehicles held on Australia Day in Sydney. Under different names and at different locations the event...

Graeme Newman
Oct 19, 2017
2017 National Vehicle Rally
The 2017 National Rally was based in the Clare from the 24/09/2017 to 29/09/2017. After registering at the show ground, participants...

Graeme Newman
Jul 16, 2017
All French Day - Silverwater Park
A number of our members headed to Silverwater Park today to take part in the All French Day which this year was hosted by the Peugeot Car...
Graeme Newman
Apr 17, 2016
Newcastle Branch Outing, Newcastle Museum
​​ Our Branch outing for April was to be a visit to the Newcastle Museum in Workshop Way, Newcastle. The current Museum which opened in...