Graeme Newman
Nov 6, 2018
Sydney North Breakfast Run at Brooklyn - Sunday 4/11/2018
We had a really good roll up of both cars and people to our last Sydney North Breakfast Run for 2018. We returned to McKell Park at...

Graeme Newman
Jul 8, 2017
Pie in the Sky
For at least a week before a breakfast run we always watch the weather forecasts hoping for fine weather on the coming Sunday. The report...

Graeme Newman
Jul 5, 2017
2017 Singleton Tour
The Newcastle Branch 'winter tour' has been based at Singleton for 19 years now. This year we had better than average weather for this...

Graeme Newman
May 20, 2017
Breakfast Run - Appletree Bay
The most recent 'Sydney North' breakfast run returned to Ku-ring-gai Chase National Park, this time to Appletree Bay which is a fairly...

Graeme Newman
Mar 12, 2016
Combined Outing
For many years the Newcastle Branch has hosted the ‘Combined Outing’on the first or second Saturday of January. The idea being to have...